Friday, August 6, 2010

Todays workout...

So this morning my friend Margie and I ran "The Hill". This hill is so stinking hard it takes your breath away!! I love the fact of having somebody to run it with though!! Makes it so much nicer and it's always nice spending time with her.....even when she is yelling at me about how much she HATES the hill! We ran the hill three full times one half time and then to the first level. In between these runs we would do things such as abs, fast squats, walking lunges, pushups, front elbow plank, arm circles and jumping jacks. After that she had to head to work and I decided to try out my new Garmin.

I didn't go too far because my legs were still burning from the hill though. I ran a mile and a half and my best pace was 8:21. It was so nice being outside for a run and can't wait to get out there more once Fall time comes. I am not too good in the hot humid weather that we have been having.

I'm pretty new to this blogging and keeping up with it so just bare with me. I LOVE reading blogs and have some favorites. These blogs really inspire me and reading them makes me want to be better.
Tomorrow the plan is to workout with Kyle doing a weight routine. Have a great Friday!!

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