Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Looking ahead

If you didn't know already we have been on vacation this past week.  We actually are heading home tomorrow and although this vacation has been great, I can't wait to get back to a routine.  I believe I have a decent training plan for my 10k.  It's slow starting but, it's a start.  For now my cross training days will be on the elliptical.   I will be running 4 days a week and that includes one day of speed.  Those might be a little slow too starting out, but I know I'll get there.

Starting this month I want to try a new healthy recipe and hopefully share it on here.  Pictures too.....oh yea!!

Okay, so I'm gonna share this quote with you that really has helped me this past few months of not being able to workout.

"Running should be a lifelong activity.  Approach it patiently and intelligently, and it will reward you for a long, long time."  -Michael Sargent

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