Tuesday, January 19, 2016

A family that works out together stays together!

Yesterday was so cold here in Ohio!  I could not believe how cold until I seen the weather on my phone and it said 5 degrees feeling like -8! What??  Well, it was a good day to stay in and get some things done here in the house!  Once I took all my Christmas stuff down I wanted to change out a few things instead of putting back the same old same old.

Here on the our island I decided to take down my big three cyclone center piece and just add this.  A cutting board with a little plant, apples, and napkins.  Useful but pretty!  And we can see each other!

In our family room we decided to get rid of our HUGE sectional and open our family room up more by getting a normal size couch, recliner, and a double seated chair (not shown) with matching ottoman.  Our family room is enormous but taking out the sectional really made it that much bigger and I love it!

Okay, so onto a little bit of family fitness!  John and the girls went out to the movies and I decided that I would work on my cpr/aed stuff and workout later in the evening.  
We decided that we would do 4 rounds of Tabata!  I love this because you work up a sweat and can burn a ton of calories!  We had ten different stations and each station was 30sec with a 15sec break to get to your next station!  I wanted to do lots of cardio with a little upper body and abs! 
This is what we did:

Mt. Climbers
Shoulder Press
Russian twist with med ball
Walk outs/in with a jump
bicep curls
Jump squats
chair dips
jumping jacks

We did a total of four complete rounds and I truly thought I wanted to get sick!  I didn't of course but still ;)  I loved this especially because there was five of us.  Me, my son-in-law, and three of my daughters!  Was a great way to end the day and it too 44min and we burnt over 400 calories!! Here is a pic of us all after we were done.

Today will be a rest day since I have our granddaughters for the day.  Wednesday will look like cardio in the morning with weight lifting in the evening.

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