So it's been a little over a week since I completed my first half marathon. I kept my work outs light....almost too light I think. Here is how last weeks schedule looked.
Sunday: Off
Monday: An hour of upper body
Tuesday: 30min elliptical, tris and abs
Wednesday: 10min elliptical, some legs, and 2mile run
Thursday: 30min elliptical, legs and core
Friday: An hour of all lower body
Saturday: 6mile run
Sunday: 3mile run w/hills
So, nothing that was really hard with the exception of my 6mile run. That was just more tiresome than anything. Towards the last 2miles I kept asking myself why I had only ran 2miles this week. I wasn't sore just tired. But I did it and it felt good once I was done. It is kinda true about being kinda depressing when you are done with your training and the event itself is over. For 12 weeks there was a plan of what I was to do each day. Be it run 2miles to 12miles to cross training to just having a rest day, there was a plan. Not to even mention that the event itself is over.
So now what? Having this week to kinda take it easy and also let me rest my foot a bit, has had me thinking of what I wanted to do next. Back when my girlfriend and I were running together we had talked about doing another half in October and another in November. We thought there was just the right amount of time in between them that we felt we could run them. But now with it being just me out there I'm not sure if I want to do them by myself. I have given it a lot of thought to maybe just doing a 5k later in October then maybe doing the turkey trot on Thanksgiving. I don't know. I have also thought maybe I should just take this time to work on a little speed and hills but don't want to make my PF act up again. So, I am not sure but I'm leaning on the side of having a little training plan and doing the 5k and turkey trot. We will see.
Today I plan on doing some core and upper body and then going for a run. No distance. No time. Just get out there. Do what my body feels.
How do you feel after you have done your weeks of training and your race is now over?
I always feel a little "lost" after a big race is done...but this fall, I'm looking really forward to that :)